BELLA Gauden was in good voice for her 103rd birthday celebrations yesterday.

She joined in heartily as singer Philip Corrigan sang some of her favourites at the Langley Park Residential Home, near Durham City.

Annie Isabelle Gauden actually reaches the milestone today, but it was party time for the sprightly widow and her fellow residents who enjoyed a buffet and birthday cake.

Mrs Gauden was joined by her daughter, Olive Todd, who lives in the village. Mrs Todd said: "She has been singing her head off.''

Mrs Gauden, who has one grand-daughter, Joanne Todd, 25, said: "I'm keeping very well as long as I can sing."

She summed up her philosophy: "Be friends to everybody and cheer them up and work with them and never call anybody.''

Mrs Gauden, who retired at 70, ran a general dealer's store in nearby Sacriston with her late husband, Bobby.

Esh Parish Council joined in the celebrations by presenting her with its jubilee calendar.