A SKATE park threatened with closure because of insurance costs is to stay open after parents agreed to pay £100 a year for their children to use it.

The Ape Skate Park, in Thornaby, was facing an uncertain future after insurance premiums more than tripled.

Owner Roger Awah was told by his insurance company that his costs would rise from £4,500 to as much as £15,000 when he renewed his policy.

But at a meeting with concerned skaters and their parents on Saturday, parents agreed to pay £100 a year to let their children use the park.

That amount will cover the cost of insuring the skaters, any running repairs or maintenance and could pay for a planned expansion.

The agreement means that Mr Awah's business should be able to serve the 10,000 or more young skaters and BMX riders who use the facility.

He says he needs at least 1,000 skaters to join the scheme to make it viable.

He said: "The parents are quite excited about this scheme. It works out at less than £2 a week and that is considerably better than the current charge of £8 a day.

"The more children we can sign up the better. I hope to build this place up and I plan to expand the park outdoors at some point.

"Nothing is assured yet, but I hope that parents see the benefits. If the skaters don't have a place to come they will end up back on the streets.

"The park is a safe and happy environment where we have trained first-aiders on hand in case anyone hurts themselves. On the street, there is no one to help."

If a claim is made, the excess on Mr Awah's policy means he would have to pay up to £7,500 if he lost the case.

Since the park opened three years ago, two claims have been dismissed and one is still being processed.