CHILDREN are wishing for a green Christmas after signing up for an environmental campaign.

Pupils at Durham Trinity School, in Aykley Heads, are taking part in npower's foster-a-Christmas-tree scheme, being run in association with Northumberland Wildlife Trust.

The firm has given the school a giant Christmas tree complete with decorations, and, in return, it is acting as a local champion for the scheme, which aims to highlight the environmental benefits of using trees from a sustainable source.

The initiative also hopes to encourage people to recycle their trees by having them chipped.

Carol Graham, of Durham Trinity School, said: "I think the foster-a-Christmas-tree scheme is a really good idea and we are delighted to be championing the scheme in Durham by looking after one of npower's trees.

"The students have really enjoyed decorating their tree, and it has provided a great opportunity for them to learn about the environment; thinking about where the tree has come from and how we can do our bit to help the planet by recycling it after Christmas."

An npower spokesman said: "We hope that by giving a tree from a sustainable source to Durham Trinity School, it will set an example to households in the region and encourage them to do the same."