A 14-YEAR-OLD boy suffered a fractured skull after he and his brother were attacked.

The incident happened next to Cruddas Park Shopping Centre, in Newcastle, when the youth and his 17-year-old brother were approached by two teenagers.

The teenagers shouted abuse at them as they walked past, prompting the brothers to walk away towards Ashfield Road.

After they were followed by the teenagers, the older brother was struck in the face with a weapon.

Police said that a fight then began, which resulted in the younger brother sustaining a fractured skull.

Both boys were taken to Newcastle General Hospital.

Police said the first attacker was white, male, 5ft 8in, of medium to heavy build, with a square face and large bulging eyes.

He was wearing a red jacket and a Burberry-type hat. The other attacker was white, male, aged about 18, and was wearing a cream jacket or tracksuit top.

Any witnesses to the incident, which happened at 9.20pm on Tuesday, are asked to contact the police on 0191-214 6555, extension 62326.