A man's persistent offending resulted in a four and a half year jail sentence yesterday.

Gary Burgess, 38, of Hutton Road, Eston, Teesside, appeared for sentencing on charges including attempted burglary, two offences of burglary, dangerous driving, taking a vehicle without consent, and handling stolen goods.

Ray Priest, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court how Burgess was arrested after he was seen acting suspiciously outside a house in Church Lane, Eston, in October 2001.

Burgess had denied attempted burglary but was found guilty at a Teesside Crown Court trial.

On December 14, 2001, Burgess was seen driving dangerously and, after a police chase, collided with another vehicle.

He was seen overtaking and undertaking before he drove through a recreation ground in Eston and smashed into the wall of a supermarket.

Mr Priest said that in January this year, Burgess burgled the home of an elderly lady in Deansgate, Eston. She identified him after returning to find him in her house.

In another incident in January, Burgess burgled a second pensioner's home in Eston.

Also this year, he was caught by police, while driving his father's car without permission, and in June, was searched by police who found a stolen mobile phone.

Steve Constantine, defending, said that during his life, Burgess had been sentenced to a total of 25 years in prison.

He said Burgess had started to put his life back together following a reunion with his son.