A FAMILIAR figure will be missing from outside a County Durham primary school when classes begin next month.

For long-serving crossing patrol lady Lilian Phillips has called it a day after just over 30 years helping pupils safely across the road to school in Brandon, near Durham.

She retires after her final stint this afternoon, as children at Brandon Junior and Infants attend their carol concert.

Many local parents, some of whom Ms Phillips helped on their way to school as children, have stopped by to pass on their good wishes and presents this week.

To cap the week, Ms Phillips was guest of honour yesterday at a joint assembly of the junior and infant sections of the school, joined by the small number of nursery children.

She was presented with a bouquet of flowers, a card made by the children and a gold watch from the school, its friends' group and parents.

Ms Phillips admitted she had only reluctantly decided to retire after a lot of thought, at the age of 62.

"I am still not really sure, but it is too late now, there is no going back on it.

"It has been a lovely week, with so many people coming up to wish me well.

"I have got to know so many people over the years and some of my best friends are former pupils whom I got to know as children crossing the road."

In her retirement, Ms Phillips is looking forward to spending more time with her family, husband Peter, plus her mother, daughter and four grandchildren, as well as reading.