PATIENTS will have quicker and easier access to prescribed medicines thanks to a new service.

Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust (PCT), with the help of pharmacists, has launched a prescription service.

Instead of patients collecting repeat prescriptions from GPs surgeries, taking them to pharmacies, then waiting for them to be dispensed; named pharmacies chosen by patients will collect and dispense prescriptions.

Patients need only order their repeat prescriptions in the usual way then arrive at pharmacies three working days later, where their medication will be waiting.

Initially, two Chester-le-Street GP practices and four pharmacies will be involved in a pilot scheme for the service - Middle Chare and Bridge End surgeries and the neighbouring Lloyds pharmacy, at Bridge End; Boots, at St Cuthbert's Walk; Superdrug, in Front Street; and Middle Chare Pharmacy.

Steven Campbell, medicines management project facilitator for Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust, said: "This is an excellent opportunity for Durham and Chester-le-Street PCT to improve the services on offer to patients.

"To take part in the scheme, all that patients from Middle Chare and Bridge End GP surgeries need to do is pick up an application form from their GP practice or from one of the pharmacies involved.

"Only patients registered with these two practices are eligible to join the scheme at this stage.

"If the pilot is a success, which we all hope it will be, then we will be looking to expand the service throughout the Durham and Chester-le-Street area."