A GROUP of teenagers have pulled out all the stops to help a severely disabled little girl become more mobile.

Skaters and bikers who use Shildon's newly constructed skate park jumped at the chance to help to raise money for nine-year-old Sarah Cail, who desperately needs a new pushchair.

As well as making a door-to-door collection, the group of youngsters, who have also formed their own committee, took part in a sponsored leg wax.

So far their fundraising efforts have brought in a total of £520, which the group presented to Sarah and her family.

However, they have promised to continue their money-spinning efforts in order to help make life much more comfortable for Sarah, who lives in Shildon.

Mark Bowes, 16, who acts as spokesman for the Shildon skate park committee, said: "We just wanted to help. I am also planning on dressing up as Miss Shildon and parading up and down the main street with a collection bucket."

Sarah suffers from a rare illness called mitochondrial syndrome, which affects energy production in body cells.

Her mother, Diane, said she had difficulty getting her daughter on and off public transport because the pushchair she uses is too heavy.

She said: "We want a lightweight buggy that weighs about 15lb. The one we have is really heavy and it makes going out for the day with her very difficult."

She said she was delighted that the teenagers had taken Sarah into their hearts.

"I was really pleased when I heard. I was chuffed that they wanted to help," she said.