A WOMAN died and her two young children were last night fighting for their lives after being pulled from a blazing car.

Detectives are investigating reports that the 23-year-old mother may have been trying to commit suicide.

Rescue workers made a desperate bid to rescue the boy and girl, aged two and four, lying unconscious inside the burning vehicle, parked in a residential street in Middlesbrough, but were unable to save their mother.

According to shocked residents, a passer-by spotted smoke inside the vehicle in Walpole Street, and smashed a side window of the Vauxhall Astra trying to reach the Asian family before the arrival of emergency services, early yesterday evening.

Residents watched with increasing horror as first the girl and then the boy, were pulled from the car by firefighters and frantic attempts made to revive them on the roadside.

Last night, hospital staff in Middlesbrough were continuing their efforts to save the children.

Cleveland Police, who cordoned off the scene in Walpole Street, in central Middlesbrough, were officially investigating the mother's death as "suspicious", although they had responded initially to reports of a suicide.

Detective Sergeant Keith Dee, of Cleveland Police, leading the investigation, said: "We are looking at a suspicious death at the moment. We can confirm one adult female is dead.

"The two infants have been taken to the hospital where they are being treated."

Det Sgt Dee said efforts were now under way to trace the children's father. He is supported in his investigation by a 40-strong task force of detectives and uniformed officers.

Last night, one resident said: "The emergency crews came running past with first one child in their arms, then another. They took one in the ambulance and there was someone pushing on the child's chest."

Another neighbour said: "I just saw the blue lights. I did not know it was a car on fire. A neighbour said there were two kids pulled out and someone has said the woman is dead.

"The 999 crews ran past first with one child and then another with tubes attached to its face."

Other residents saw a rescue worker frantically trying to revive the little boy, laying him on the pavement, inches from the car.

Detectives, while confirming the mother was dead, declined to comment on the condition of the toddlers.

The Astra was discovered parked in Walpole Street with the bonnet opened.Local families were visibly moved and the 11 firefighters, at the scene were close to tears.

Police are carrying out house-to-house inquiries, but on-lookers said they believed the dead woman was not from their neighbourhood.