A well supported meeting held in the clubhouse for the section which deals with the affairs of a large number of the active elderly members of the club.

The secretary John Ward, opened the meeting and referred to the previous years minutes which were approved and confirmed by the meeting.

The senior's captain Bill Coom, reviewed his year and thanked member for their support and in particular the secretary John Ward. He congratulated Tony Howard on his nominations as vice captain of the club in 2003.

The election of officers then took place as follows: Seniors captain Alec Crow, vice captain Alf Cooper, secretary John Ward.

Alec Crow on assuming office notified members of the seniors outing which would take place at Durham City Golf Club on September 17 and it was pointed out that three buggies had been reserved for the less able members of the seniors section.

Alec handed out copies of a comprehensive dossier which he had prepared giving information relevant to members of the section including fixtures, Friday competition, matches etc and hoped that all members would have a good golfing year. Finally he commended a social event which would be held in the clubhouse on Friday March 28 to which members and their partners were invited.