SAND PLAY: DIY stores B&Q and Homebase, in Washington, have donated sand for the play area in Barmston Out of School Hours Club.

The two stores also presented a decorated Christmas tree to the group.

NAMES AND ART: Yashmin Stringer, of Albany Primary School, won a competition to name the new £40,000 village play area and paint a picture of it. Yashmin's choice was the Duke's New Look. Her painting, with others produced by the local youngsters, will be put on display at the site.

NURSE HONOURED: Nurse Joan Lowery, who was born in Washington was awarded the MBE in the New Year Honours List for her 25 years work with Jersey Health Services.

RIDING COURSES: The Strang Riding Centre for the Disabled is holding weekday riding lessons for everyone. For details call Sheila Thompson on 0191-416 2745.

DANCER'S ANGEL: Businessman Guy Readman has granted Washington dancer Abigail Milnes £3,000 a year towards her tuition fees at the Sage Academy of the Performing Arts in Newcastle.

BUSINESS EXPANDS: Manheim auctions, the Washington motor auctioneer, has been granted planning permission to extend its sales site by four acres.

SHRUB PLANTING: Plaques are to be erected to mark the work of pupils from Albany Primary School in planting shrubs and a flowering cherry tree in the village centre.

VOLUNTEER NEEDED: A volunteer who can offer a couple of hours each week between 10am to 3pm on Tuesdays is needed by the Washington Citizen's Advice Bureau at the Elms in Concord. Details can be obtained from Sheila Rooney or Susan White on 0191-517 4048 between 10am and 1pm on Tuesdays.

LUNCH HELP: Age Concern England donated £120 to the Washington Church of Christ to help cover the cost of equipment for its weekly luncheon club.

FOLK NIGHT: Roy Bailey will be the guest star of the Davy Folk Lamp Club, at 7pm tomorrow, at the Biddick Arts Centre.

TOP COLLECTORS: Usworth School has collected 38 kilos of aluminium drink cans to head the Tizer Can Challenge North-East School recycling league.