PLAY AREA: An estimate from Parkdale Play has been accepted and now all the equipment has been installed on the play area next to Melmerby and Middleton Quernhow Village Hall. Though the council was happy with the installation of the equipment, it was unhappy with the churned-up field left by the contractor's vehicles.

COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: The council received a complaint over the parking of commercial vehicles on the once-grassed verge by the corner of Maple Garth, churning up the land and restricting drivers' views leaving Maple Garth.

DOG FOULING: The council says that anyone seen allowing their dog to foul in the village and not clean up after them will be reported and face a £1,000 fine. The move follows a number of complaints about dog fouling.

* For a full report, see Friday's Darlington & Stockton Times.