A SYSTEM which allows victims of domestic violence to report their attackers over the Internet has been launched in the region.

Darlington Domestic Violence Forum has created the online service, thought to be the first in the North-East, to make it easier for victims to report violence.

Details passed on via a website will be handed over to the police.

It is hoped the system will help reduce domestic violence and encourage more people to report those who are violent towards their partner.

Speaking recently about attitudes to domestic violence, Solicitor General Harriet Harman said: "If you see someone burgling your neighbour, you do not think 'Shall I intervene?' A man who beats his wife is a violent criminal, a criminal in the same way a burglar is."

Anyone will be able to log on to the website to report violent incidents, whether they are the victim, a family member or a neighbour.

The opportunity will also be given for information to be supplied anonymously on the secure site, making it safer for people to report their fears.

However, it has been stressed that in an emergency, people should continue to dial 999.

The system will be available on the Darlington Domestic Violence Forum website for a two-month trial and if successful, could be extended to other parts of the region.

Councillor Bill Dixon, a supporter of the forum, said: "The increased use of technology will help us eradicate this crime from our society."

The forum was also the first in the country to allow victims of domestic violence to start applying for an injunction against a violent partner over the Internet.

It is hoped making more facilities available on the Internet for victims of domestic violence will allow them to get help safely as they can access advice either from home or from public places such as libraries and council offices.

The website can be found at www.ddvf.org and the group's domestic violence helpline number is (01325) 364486.