DARLINGTON'S pop princess Zoe Birkett is thrilled after storming into the charts at number 12.

The 17-year-old singer narrowly missed out on the Top Ten with her debut single Treat Me Like A Lady, but was still delighted.

"I'm chuffed to bits," she said. "To get to number 12 is brilliant and the support of the fans has been brilliant. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting me.

Zoe, a former pupil of Carmel RC College of Technology, beat fellow Pop Idol contestant Rosie Ribbons, who reached number 19 with her second single, A Little Bit.

Another show contestant, David Sneddon, winner of BBC1's Fame Academy, hit the top spot with Stop Living the Lie.

Zoe was at her flat in London with mum Tracey and friends when she heard the news.

"We just stayed in and listened to the radio and then celebrated."

Zoe will fulfill a lifelong ambition by performing on Top of the Pops next week.