SCHOOLS in Darlington would be able to make giant strides if it was not for inequalities in funding, says the head of a comprehensive.

Carmel RC Technology College is named in the school performance tables as having one of the best average GCSE scores in the borough. But headteacher James O'Neill said Darlington's comprehensives would make even greater improvements if the Government addressed the way schools in other areas receive thousands of pounds more.

For example, extra cash goes to deprived schools in Tees Valley, with some heads receiving £125,000 a year to attract teachers with leadership skills.

Mr O'Neill said: "Given the progress that all of the schools in Darlington have made and continue to make, if that funding were available to us I believe we would make giant strides."

"There are parts of Darlington which are very disadvantaged which could do with funding."

Carmel College has the town's best Key Stage 3 results, with Hummersknott School and Language College scoring the best GCSE A to C grade results.

The independent Polam School achieved the town's best overall GCSE results, with 84 per cent of pupils gaining five A to C grades.