The launch of a new friends network to support Richmond's Georgian Theatre Royal has been described as a great success by organisers.

In a statement they thanked the 70 people who attended a reception at the town hall last week. Among those present was actor Rodney Bewes, who is one of the patrons. Before the event, 175 people had already joined the group, with another 12 signing up on the night.

pension CENSUS: Men aged over 64 and women over the age of 59 make up more than 20 per cent of North Yorkshire's population according to figures released from the 2001 census. Nearly 120,000 people in the county are of pensionable age, slightly higher than the national average.

TREE WARDENS: A series of training workshops aimed at involving people in the conservation of trees begin on Saturday. The Nidderdale Tree Wardens scheme will cover subjects such as woodland management, survey skills and planting. To join, call (01423) 712950.

DIOCESE APPOINT: The Reverend Bill Hulse, priest-in-charge at Spennithorne, Finghall and Hauxwell, in Wensleydale, has been appointed chaplain to the Mothers' Union in the Ripon and Leeds diocese.

SPORTS CLUB: A club for people under 18 with disabilities is being launched. Sessions will be held at the Oaklands Sport Centre, York. For details, call the centre on (01904) 782841.

STONE CASH: Alne Parish Council has been given £775 from the National Lottery to protect the village's plague stone with kerbing.

POLICE CHAPLAIN: The Reverend Christopher Roy Huggett, vicar of Leyburn and Bellerby, has been appointed voluntary police chaplain in the area.