THUGS beat a woman and then ordered her to hand over her wedding ring during a knifepoint attack in the grounds of a hospital.

The 20-year-old victim, who has not been named, was leaving Newcastle General Hospital when she was attacked from behind by two males.

One held a knife to her throat and forced her to the ground.

The pair kicked her before making off with her wedding ring, a wedding band and a handbag. They fled on foot along West Road.

The knifeman is described as white, aged between 15 and 20, with small, piggy-like eyes. He was wearing a dark, padded, waist-length jacket, a dark baseball cap with a bright motif, gloves and trainers, with a scarf wrapped around his face. His accomplice is described as white. He was wearing dark clothing and a dark baseball cap.

The gold wedding ring is inset with diamonds and amethyst and a gold wedding band bears the inscription "I love you".

They also took the woman's black handbag which has dark and cream embroidered flowers, and a mobile phone bearing a sticker of the children's book character, Winnie the Pooh.

The attack took place at about 6pm on Tuesday. Anyone with information is asked to contact Newcastle West CID on 0191-214 6555.