GOALS have been hard to come by for Graeme Lee.

Despite playing in all but one of Hartlepool United's games this season, in the team which has scored more Division Three goals than any other and has been top of the table for 99 per cent of the campaign, Lee's scoring contribution stands at a single effort.

That goal came in the New Year's day win over Carlisle - and that's why he is still coming to terms with the goal that wasn't at Macclesfield on Tuesday.

Lee's 56th-minute header appeared to cross the line before defender Steve Hitchin bundled the ball out with a combination of hand and head.

In the end, the opportunity was academic as Pool won their fifth game in a row, but Lee admitted: "The ball went over the line and the lad seemed to knock it back out with his hand. I knew it was over from where I was standing.

"I saw the ball on the opposite side of the post - it's a goal. I've had a word with the linesman after the game and he said the whole of the ball wasn't over. He must have had good eyesight to spot that from where he was.

"The referee seemed to give it and run off, then look at his linesman, who didn't give it and carried on playing.

"I had a few polite words with him but it's difficult when you are getting on with the game. You can moan but he's not going to change his mind, is he?

"It's disappointing, but we can't really comment on referees or what goes on.''

Pool's first-half display tore the home side apart and Lee added: "That goal should have made the game safe for us, but we needed Anthony Williams to make his first save of the night, in injury time, and it was a great save.

"We played so well in the first-half. As soon as we arrived and saw the pitch we knew it would suit us. We are used to playing on a pitch like that at home so it was a big help to us.

"At half-time we were so happy with the performance and we knew we had to defend right and try to keep it going. We knew they would try to get at us a bit more but we kept them out.

"My header not being given was disappointing, but we were delighted with the win and that's all that matters.''

Pool have won their last two away games 1-0, but the performances couldn't have been more different.

At Boston three weeks ago, Newell's side dug in and scrapped their way to victory, but at Moss Rose they outplayed Macclesfield.

"We've shown both sides of our character in those games. At home we all like to get it down and pass through teams, but you can't always do it away.

"Boston was difficult, the pitch and conditions made it hard for us, but we knew Macclesfield's pitch would suit us.

"We went out on Tuesday and really enjoyed it.''

Lee missed last Saturday's win over Oxford through suspension - he's just one booking away from another ban - but was back in the starting line-up on Tuesday.

"The way the lads played last week had me thinking,'' he admitted. "They were brilliant against Oxford and defended well.

"I was wondering what decision the gaffer would make, but it was great to be playing.

"Cambridge is another massive game again for us. They are one of the teams who will be trying to catch us.

"It's not long since we beat them at our place and we've got to be looking to do the same again.

"The big lad up front for them, David Kitson, is a bit of a handful and no doubt it will be my job to mark him. He's scored a few goals and causes problems with his height.

"Everyone is full of confidence. We beat them 3-0 but it was a lot closer than that - we got two goals late on.

"We probably had a lot more chances against Carlisle - I had about half a dozen that game. But when we beat Cambridge we were the first team to stop them scoring this season.''

Boss Newell admitted: "They have a good record at home and have only lost twice.

"Everyone wants to beat the leaders and we only played them a few weeks back so we know what we expect.

"They certainly have some pace up front, we saw that a few weeks ago. Cambridge have fallen down the league since we beat them, but that has been more down to their cup commitments."

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