A CENTRE to help people overcome drug problems was opened yesterday.

Chris Mullin, MP for Sunderland South, and Mark Gillman, of the National Treatment Agency, launched the premises of the North East Council on Addiction (NECA), at John Street, Sunderland.

The building will provide drug treatment services, including counselling, alternative therapies and other activities.

Problem drug users will also receive help from the courts and probation service to break the link between their addiction and criminal activity.

Mandy Taylor, the Drugs Action Team co-ordinator for Sunderland, said: "I am delighted to say that this will be the first of several new developments.

"These new facilities will help individuals and their families and will make a significant contribution to reducing drug-related crime."

In partnership with other agencies, the centre will help people recovering from drug problems to access supported housing, education, training and employment.

Eileen Innes, NECA client service manager, said: "Too often, people work hard to deal with their drug issues, only to find they cannot find anywhere to live except among those who still have a drug problem.

"The chance of a home and a job is an important factor in helping people stay drug-free."

For more information on services available through NECA, call 0191-567 2678.