A PROJECT is being launched in Chester-le-Street to encourage otters to settle on the River Wear, following reported sightings of the animals.

Two otter holts are to be built on the banks of the River Wear at the Riverside Park, to provide a resting and breeding area.

At the end of last year, Durham Wildlife Trust said that for the first time in three decades otters had been spotted in towns and cities in the North-East, including Newcastle and Durham, and elsewhere in Britain. Experts have attributed the sightings to improved water quality, which has brought more fish and an expanding rural otter population seeking fresh breeding ground.

Otters have also been spotted in the Chester-le-Street area and it is hoped the two temporary holts will encourage them to settle permanently in the area.

Park warden Julie Lewcock said: "A long time ago there were otters in this area and now it is a case of getting the wildlife to come back. We are going to build a temporary holt of logs and twigs and hopefully, nearer the end of the year, we will get funding for a more permanent structure."

Ms Lewcock is working with other conservation experts in the council to set up a volunteer group to get involved with projects in the park.

For details, call Ms Lewcock on 0191-3890986.