A PROJECT to give people across Hartlepool free access to the Internet was launched yesterday.

The £280,000 Hartlepool People's Network will enable people in the town to log on to the Internet for free using 63 computers installed in Hartlepool's seven public libraries.

It is part of a Government-led project to give free Internet access to people all over the UK using public libraries.

The Hartlepool network was opened by Hartlepool United players Graeme Lee, Mark Robinson and Antony Sweeney in the Central Library, which has 28 of the computers.

The project has been funded by £217,000 of National Lottery money from the New Opportunities Fund, with the remainder coming from Hartlepool Borough Council and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Councillor Robbie Payne, cabinet member with special responsibility for lifelong learning and skills, said: "This is an important and exciting milestone in the development of our libraries.

"Thanks to this project, people in Hartlepool will be able to explore literally a whole world of learning opportunities at the touch of a button."