FARMERS across the Pennine Dales are being encouraged to sign up to the Environmentally Sensitive Area scheme, which offers incentives to adopt agricultural practices to safeguard and enhance areas of particularly high landscape, wildlife or historic value.

Farmers, landowners and smallholders within the ESA's boundaries have until April 30 to submit applications, with meadow, pasture and woodland all qualifying, subject to their conservation value.

Existing agreement holders are also being invited to upgrade parcels of land into higher tiers within the scheme, and additional funding is available.

The Pennine Dales ESA Scheme operates in East and West Allendale, South Tynedale, Nent Valley, Weardale, Rook-hope, Teesdale, Baldersdale and Lunedale.

For details of joining the scheme, or upgrading an existing agreement, contact an ESA project Officer at Defra's Rural Development Service North-East on 0191 214 1800.