HEXHAM. - Wed of last week. Following instructions from the executors of A Robson, Broomhouse Farm, Cambo, Hexham & Northern Marts conducted the dispersal sale of the Broomhouse herd of suckler cows.

Prices. - Lim X 4th calver & hfr calf £500; Lim X 7th calver & hfr calf £500; AAX 9th xcalver hfr calf £480. Spring calvers: pair Simm X carrying 4th calves £610; pair Simm X carrying 6th calves £590; pair BBX carrying 3rd calves £580; pair Simm X carrying 4th calves £580; pair Simm X carrying 5th calves £560; pair Simm X carrying 7th calves £550; 3 BBX carrying 2nd calves £540; pair of BBX carrying 4th calves £540; Simm X aged cow £540.

Non-dispersal: Hfrs with calves at foot to £1,102.50 (pure Lim X hfr with Ronick Ned hfr calf at foot) Fenton Hill, Wooler; BB X Fries hfr with Lim X hfr calf to £920 Softley; in calf BB hfrs to £800, £700(3) Softley; ped Lim bulls to £1,522.50, £1,365 Fenton Hill.

MASHAM . - Tues. . Fwd: 50 store cattle for February show & sale.

Prizes. - Steers: 1 Riva Hill Farms. Hfrs: 1,2,&3 Riva Hill Farms, £600, £640, £470 to P Fawcett.

Prices. - Lim X steers, blue CID to £580 av £483; Char X steers, blue, to £505 av £503; BAX steers, green, to £448; Cont X bulls, green, to £450 av £402. Hfrs: BBX to £640 av £481; Lim X to £465 av £421; BAX to £475 av £372; Char X to £375 av £348.