Suddenly the weight has been lifted from Michael Owen's shoulders - just in time for a showdown with Manchester United.

Owen's 18th goal of the season against Auxerre on Thursday changed the mood in the Liverpool camp before tomorrow's final, and boosted his own confidence again after a troubled season.

Owen said: ''We are obviously not at the place we were aiming at in the league and this is a great disappointment.

''The objective at the start of the season was the title. Even if the team has been progressing gradually in the past two years, we knew that the last hurdle to clear would be the most difficult. Maybe we will need another few years to clear it.''

Owen believes Liverpool could have turned the corner after reaching the UEFA Cup quarter-finals with his goal that equalled Ian Rush's 20-strikes European club record.

He said: ''Hopefully this will boost our season. You get into the habit of winning, and we want that however it comes. It doesn't matter whether we play well or poorly. We just have to start winning regularly again.

''After the goal you could see nobody was scared any more of letting a goal in because we had two in the bank.

''It was evident we were freer, passed the ball better and showed what we can do.''

He added: ''We are out of the FA Cup, and it doesn't look like we are going to win the championship so whatever we are left with is important. It's important for everyone connected to the club, so getting through to the last eight of a European tournament is great.

''It's no mean achievement and we are pleased to be in the next round. And it's a good boost for the final, too.''

Owen admits he has suffered a blow to his confidence during the bad times this season.

He admitted: ''The fact that the team are still very young is not a valid excuse. These players have been playing together for a few seasons now.''

Owen spelled out his own doubts and fears when he said: ''I have suffered a big lack of confidence, I am like any other player.

''My career has always been made of ups and downs but I have always managed to bounce back.

''When you are constantly criticised and under pressure it is important to remain united."