THREE Durham youngsters have proved they are made of the write stuff.

Young authors Robert Hepworth, William Bradshaw and Alex Chazot, all 13 and pupils at Framwellgate School, have had their work published on the Internet.

The youngsters, members of the school's creative writing club, have been featured on the Teachit site for English tutors.

English teacher Carrie Swan, who launched the club in September, said: "They had to write a modern myth, based on the story of Midas.

"Robert's tells the story of Tony Blair going to the God of War, George Bush, who grants him a wish. He was granted the ability to smile all the time but it goes horribly wrong. It is amusing and very cynical.

"Alex is writing a novel based on Lord of the Rings and had the first two chapters published. It is very well written and very sophisticated.

"Will's work is based on the myth of the labyrinth. He has written his own version of the myth."