A TEENAGE prostitute who burgled a brothel where she was working was locked up for 12 months yesterday.

Heroin addict Stacey Chapman, 19, climbed through a broken window after the owner left and stole £150, said Elizabeth Farnsworth, prosecuting at Teesside Crown Court.

The owner found Chapman's jacket at the scene, and when she spoke to her a month later she admitted the offence.

Chapman told police that she spent the money on heroin, and she admitted acting as a lookout on another Middlesbrough burglary at a student's flat, and the theft of a mobile phone.

She was caught on security cameras and recognised by a detective, the court was told.

The burglary, in Apsley Street, Middlesbrough, followed an attack on her by a drug supplier, who stripped her of all her clothes except a jacket and dumped her in the street, said Richard Bennett, defending.

He said Chapman went into the house to retrieve some of her clothes and found the money.

Judge Peter Armstrong told her: "You are building up a formidable record for one so young, and if there was another way to deal with you I would look for it, but I am afraid it's impossible to avoid a custodial sentence."

Chapman, of South Terrace, South Bank, was sentenced to 12 months detention in a young offenders' institution after she pleaded guilty to two burglaries - the brothel, on July 29, and the student's home, in King Edward Square, Middlesbrough, on February 18.