IS IT a bird? Is it a plane? No it's a pizza delivery boy on a flying hover mower.

Domino's Pizza is researching ways to combat the UK's increasing traffic jams, and plans to replace its fleet of moped delivery bikes, with hoverboards.

Inspired by the Back to the Future film trilogy, Domino's Pizza has worked hand in hand with hoverboard developer Airboard Europe to develop a prototype.

The contraption can rise up to 1cm off the ground and can glide across all hard surfaces. A model that can operate over water is currently under development.

Domino's spokeswoman Bernadette Eddisford said: "At the end of the day we have a simple goal of delivering our pizzas safely and efficiently.

"If you'd told me 20 years ago that I'd be able to order a Domino's pizza using my television remote control I'd have laughed, so who knows what the future holds for transport?

"Our target is to keep improving the technology available to us in order to raise the standards of delivery efficiency.