A GROUP which campaigns for better pain control for North-East patients is planning to expand.

Campain now has more than 120 supporters in County Durham and Wearside and hopes to recruit members on Teesside.

Set up by patients who suffer chronic pain, the group aims to highlight gaps in NHS pain services and seek funding for alternative therapies.

Christine Brydon, development officer for Campain, said it had held five meetings in County Durham and Wearside and hoped to hold others in Hartlepool and Chester-le-Street.

The group's first meeting in Derwentside is planned for Wednesday, when Kate Moralee, an advocate of Bowen technique therapy, will give a talk to patients, carers and friends at Citizen's House, Station Yard, Consett.

The 3.30pm meeting is aimed at giving patients practical information about pain control and recruiting more supporters.

For more information, ring (01325) 244865.