PORNOGRAPHIC video catalogues have been landing unsolicited on the doormats of North-East homes.

Last November, trading standards officers investigated a random mailshot for Amsterdam-based Continental Videos after people complained of receiving brochures containing explicit pictures.

Now another company from the Dutch capital, Simply the Best, is advertising mail order pornographic videos and DVDs in catalogues sent to the region's homes.

Last year's catalogues were sent in an A4 size grey plastic envelope, but the latest batch are in brown envelopes.

An 82-year-old widower in Durham City said he received both mailshots.

"If this is going to keep occurring it should be taken up by an MP and somebody should nail these people.

"My grandchildren often come to my house. Can you imagine if they got hold of this. It is not the sort of thing I would like them to learn from.''

Another recipient, from Chester-le-Street, said: "I wonder where they got my address from as I have had no dealings with firms like these.

"Junk mail is bad enough at the best of times when it is for credit cards and bank loans, but it is quite another thing to use everyday mailing lists to send catalogues like these to people who have no interest in buying porn films.''

Durham County Council's consumer services department is investigating.

A spokeswoman said: "We have received complaints from people in the county who have received this catalogue.

"It is illegal to distribute publications like this and if anyone receives the magazine they should get in touch with us on 0191-383 3589.''