Sir, - Last Christmas Mr Simpson, chief executive of Hambleton District Council, wrote to you (D&S, Dec 20) saying he found my constant references to officers of the council to be most inappropriate because I had not provided details of my allegations to the council. He suggested I was not being "open, fair and just".

I responded (D&S, Jan 3) pointing out he was trying to mislead your readers. He needed no complaint from me to investigate the matter because the correspondence over many months was readily available to him in the files. Indeed, he had agreed that very week he would look into the matter without a formal complaint.

Perhaps your readers will be interested in the outcome.

On January 7 Mr Simpson wrote again confirming he would look at the appropriate files. Nevertheless, on February 6 I received a response from the council's head of legal services to whom the chief executive had delegated the matter.

This meant that the investigation of complaints against one of the three senior officers of the council named on the council's letter paper had been conducted not by the chief executive who is obviously one of the other two, which would have been bad enough, but by a lesser officer not so named.

Worse still, the "investigator" had invited the senior officer about whom I want to complain to report on himself. I was told the summary submitted by that officer was a "fair reflection of what happened", which not surprisingly it was not, and the "investigator" did not believe "there is any more to be done", which there is. What went so badly wrong must be obvious in the files but, as Jonathon Swift said, there's none so blind as they that won't see.

I have since exchanged letters with Mr Simpson pointing out numerous deficiencies both in the investigation and in the "summary", citing specific examples to illustrate my points, but he has responded intimating he will take no action.

The man who protested to you about not being able to investigate the matter, who subsequently twice agreed to look into it, has not investigated it and will not look into it. So much for being open and fair.

I think I can be forgiven for thinking that what has happened is a clear indication of what would happen if I were to submit my complaint formally under the council's present farcical arrangements. The investigation by the chief executive, a close colleague of the men about whom I want to complain, would be ineffective and for obvious reasons.


Borrowby Avenue,


Great music

Sir, - On Friday, March 21, Richmond held its first ever Music Day. Jennifer Ash suggested the idea and I am very glad that she did.

Throughout the day music workshops and rehearsals were held in preparation for a charity concert which was held at the Zetland Community Centre.

I spent the day visiting the different workshops and activities - if you ever get the chance to see Noah or Samson and Delilah at the C of E School then do - they are fantastic.

The evening concert was brilliant and featured pupils from Richmond School, St Francis Xavier, the Methodist Primary School and the Church of England Primary School. It was wonderful to see all these schools working and performing together.

Thank you to all the pupils and teachers involved. Thank you to Pat and David Rivers and the Zetland Community Centre and thank you to everyone who helped. We had an amazing evening and raised £564.15.

The Music Day will, I hope, become an annual event.


Mayor of Richmond,

Town Hall,


Sir, - Richmond's young musicians who rose to a challenge to organise a fundraising event for a children's charity proved we have some inspired young people in our midst.

These young people, backed by their teachers, gave up their time to plan and organise a superb evening. Thank you to everyone who took part in an evening to be remembered.


Vicarage Road,


Great hospital

Sir, - Recently having had both knees replaced at the Friarage Hospital, Northallerton, I would like to thank Mr Van Vuurem and his team for their expertise on two very successful operations. Also many thanks to the staff on Ward 3, the physiotherapists and also the physiotherapy department at Ripon Hospital.


Old Park Mews,
