DARLINGTON town centre is getting a spring-clean as the borough council takes delivery of a gum and graffiti removing machine.

The £15,000 Enviroclean machine went into action earlier this week.

Pedestrianised areas in the town centre are being cleared of discarded chewing gum first, using pressurised steam. It is estimated that the Market Place, Skinnergate, High Row, Bondgate and Northgate will be gum-free in three weeks.

Once the main town centre is clear, the machine will be used for removing graffiti and fly-posters.

Terry Collins, the council's assistant director of environmental services, said: "Members of our litter-busting teams have been trained to use the machine, which is easy to use, portable and can be used for more than just gum-busting.

"This, in turn, will save us money in reducing the need to bring in outside contractors and will enable us to provide a service that is both effective and adaptable to fit in with the immediate needs of the community."

The machine is the latest weapon in the council's fight against litter. It's high profile campaign was launched last year and is backed by The Northern Echo.

As well as fly-tipping and other instances of littering, residents can report graffiti and fly-posters using the litter hotline (01325) 388777.