GRANDFATHER Dennis Wilson is proof that you are never too old to learn.

When he retired six years ago, the Hartlepool pensioner had no intention of taking things easy. At the age of 77, he now has a Bachelor of Science degree and is studying for other qualifications.

Mr Wilson, who signed up for his first Open University course at the age of 66, is now working towards a diploma in European humanities, and is studying German.

He has also completed a second mentoring course, which he hopes will allow him to help people with learning difficulties.

Mr Wilson, who was helped by the Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley, said: "You often hear people saying they missed the boat and it is too late for them now, but it is never too late to learn.

"If a "crinklie" like me can earn a degree, anyone can."

Last year, he won an Adult Learners' Week award, and has now been nominated for an Outstanding Learner Award by the Workers' Educational Association.

Mr Wilson left school at the age of 13 so he could get a job and supplement the family income. He served for 16 years in the Royal Signals Regiment, before running a driving school until his retirement.

Diane Hunt, of the Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley, said: "Dennis is proof that you can achieve qualifications at any time in life. Age should not be a barrier to learning."