A CHARITY appeal concert is to take place at a Pelton school next week.

Chester-le-Street Riverside Band will perform with Roseberry Youth Connection on Thursday, at Roseberry Comprehensive School theatre in Pelton.

The event, which begins at 7pm, will raise money for Chester-le-Street District Council's chairman's charity appeal.

Chairman Councillor Bill Laverick has picked Supporting People in Community Enterprise, the Durham Area Leisure Disability Group and the Riverside Brass Band as his chosen causes this year.

Tickets are priced £6 for adults or £4 concessions, and are available from Sue Pearson or Teresa Greaves at the council's Civic Centre, in Chester-le-Street, on 0191-387 2001.

They can also be bought from the band chairman, Tom Moffat, who can be contacted on 0191-388 0421.

Cheques should be made payable to Chester-le-Street District Council Chairman's Charities.