THE chairman of English Nature has witnessed the transformation of the North-East coastline.

One of Durham County's beaches was blighted by decades of mining but the £10m Turning the Tide project has changed that. A five-year clean-up has finally removed the last reminders of coal mining.

Sir Martin Doughty was given a tour yesterday of what is now known as The Durham Heritage Coast.

Heritage Coast chairman David Miller said: "He was very impressed with it.

"It was very much a personal request to come up and look at it as English Nature has been involved in the project for a number of years.

"The coastline was heavily despoiled over the years and it takes time and good management to create a rich bio-diverse environment and also involve local communities much more in using it."

He added that Sir Martin "saw a good future for the coast in terms of adding value, providing a healthy environment and creating jobs through tourism, which is beginning slowly".

Coun Ken Manton, leader of Durham County Council, one of the leading members of the Turning the Tide partnership, said: "Sir Martin was very impressed with what we have been doing.''