SHOPKEEPERS in the North-East are being asked to look out for dangerous sweets.

Made by Spanish company King Regal, Roll On King, Spray King and Tuby Acid all contain syrup that causes irritation to mouths, tongues and taste buds.

The discovery was made by Spanish authorities who received reports of five children who had been affected.

Warnings were passed to the Food Standards Agency in Britain where large quantities of the novelty sweets were exported earlier this year.

Sold to smaller retailers, the sweets are available in four flavours - blue raspberry, strawberry, apple green and watermelon.

They are designed to resemble roll-on deodorant and spray aerosol canisters.

Although adverse health effects to children are extremely unlikely to be life threatening, they could be alarming and unpleasant.

Anyone who sees the sweets should contact environmental health officers in Sunderland on 0191-553 1661.