Gilesgate Evening TG: THE chairman Jennie O'Hare welcomed members to the April meeting in the St John Ambulance Hall.

The speaker was Stewart from 'Gourmet House' stall in Durham Indoor Market, who brought a display of goods from Easter Eggs to chutneys. Samples were passed around for members to taste.

The minutes, the financial, federation report and the correspondence were read.

Forthcoming events include a trip to Consett Empire to see Guys and Dolls on Friday, May 2; some members to attend an Inner Wheel open meeting at the Ramside Hall Durham on Thursday, May 15 and the guild is to have a stall at the St John Ambulance Hall table top sale on Saturday, May 10, 10am - noon.

The Twin guild Fairfield Manor, will be entertained on Monday, June 2.

The meeting on June 9 will have a flower arranging demonstration by Ida Johnson. The competition, A posy in an egg-cup.

Instead of the May meeting there will be a May Day outing to Skipton.

Coxhoe Ladies Club

JEAN Holmes welcomed members to the April Easter party. After all the business was finished, Jean thanked everyone for the beautiful Easter table and the delicious food brought by members. After the party each member received a chocolate egg.

The entertainment for the evening was provided by Mr and Mrs Pounder from Peterlee, who provided A Musical Nostalgia.

Mr Pounder organised a musical quiz, which took members back to the Fifties. At the end of a wonderful evening they were thanked by Marjorie Iseton.

Many raffle prizes were won and the door prize was won by Ann Cheetham. The competition, a scarf ring, was won by Christine White.

Belmont WI

THE president Marjorie Oates opened the April meeting and the minutes were read by the secretary Jean Morgan.

Doreen Morgan has retired after many years as pianist. Marjorie Oates presented her with flowers and warmly thanked her. Eileen Rochester has agreed to take over her role.

We had a good response to our cake stall; the second one is to be held at the July meeting.

The Belmont B darts team reached the final and although they didn't win they had a most enjoyable evening.

The speaker for the evening was David Raeburn, who gave an interesting slide show on the Islands of Scotland. Muriel Patterson thanked him.

The competition this month was a Scottish broach and was won by Camellia Eeles, with Marion Hately second and third Margaret Davison. The April birthday girl was Muriel Patterson. There were many raffle prizes to be won but Anne Wilkinson won the first prize.

The date of the next meeting is May 12, starting at 6.45pm in Belmont Comprehensive School gym.

Belmont TG

THE monthly meeting of Belmond Townswomen's Guild was held in Belmont Comprehensive.

The chairman Margaret Parker opened the meeting, secretary Thelma Harrison read the minutes of the last meeting and the financial statement was given by Mrs Parker.

There is to be an outing to Gateshead Little Theatre on April 30. Bus to depart from Belmont library at 6.30pm.

The speaker for the evening was Ian Hunter Smart, from the Durham area Age Concern.

He gave a most informative talk on the help available to the elderly. He was thanked by Mrs T. Harrison.

The competition for a decorated Easter Egg was won by Jean Wilson, runner-up was Barbara Bowman. The raffle was won by Jean Clark.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 7.

Langley Park

MEMBERS and one visitor were welcomed to the April meeting by D Hayden.

Birthday girls were J Maddison, J Beaves, B Moralee.

E Bowyer read the minutes of the March meeting. An outing to the Glass Centre at Consett leaves at 5pm on May 5.

E Bowyer is to attend the resolutions meeting for the annual meeting in London in June. B Moralee gave a very informative report from the Spring Council meeting held at Bishop Auckland.

The raffle was won by J Clough and the door prize by B Thornton.

The highlight was a display of varied items skillfully made by Clarice Cooper of Durham - a real Aladdin's cave of crafts. Clarice judged the competition for a craft item, which was won by W Wilson, second B Moralee, and joint third were J Clough and P Birbeck.

A letter and name bingo compered by J Beaves ended a very enjoyable evening. The next meeting is on Tuesday, May 13, in Wood View Centre Langley Park, at 7pm.