TWO specialist GPs are involved in a move to improve public access to minor surgery and skin treatment.

Darlington Primary Care Trust is the first in the country to employ doctors in this specialist role.

Tim Cunliffe, GP at Denmark Street surgery and Christie Chou, of Whinfield Surgery, in Darlington, start their new jobs in July.

Richard Harker, chairman of the primary executive committee, said: "The development of a minor surgery and dermatology unit really is ground breaking news.

"The service will improve access times and relieve the pressure on acute trusts' hospital waiting lists."

The two doctors will be qualified to deal with a host of complaints - including lumps and lesions, moles and ulcers - without the patient being admitted to hospital.

The PCT estimates that the unit would either half costs or double capacity and reduce waiting lists.

The new unit may also have the capacity to carry out minor surgery or skin treatments for other PCTs and hospitals in the region.

The unit would be capable of treating up to 4,000 people a year with one evening clinic a week and a Saturday morning surgery every month.

PCT assistant director health improvement Paul Davison said: "The unit will mean quicker access across an increasing range of procedures, streamlined services and high patient satisfaction.

"Evidence also suggests that the presence of specialist GPs aids recruitment and retention and provides a sound basis for training and development."