THE raft of proposals for improving the traffic system in Northallerton to be considered by councillors next week includes some excellent ideas.

More dropped kerbs, puffin crossings, replacing the roundabouts at either end of the High Street with lights, traffic calming in Romanby and Malpas Roads - they all have their merits.

Among the more questionable ideas is the proposal to use Yafforth Road and the Standard Way industrial estate road as a way of relieving town centre congestion.

Of course the two most important measures which could resolve the county town's growing traffic congestion almost at a stroke are not considered in the county council report.

The first of those is a bridge over the railway line at North End where the existing level crossing is becoming busier by the year as freight traffic movements increase.

The second is the bypass first mooted almost 20 years or so ago. It is the key to improved traffic flows in the town centre and better lives for the residents of North End, Thirsk Road and Boroughbridge Road.

Of course both of these are substantial capital projects beyond the means of the authorities at present.

However, the residents of Northallerton will know the package of measures being mulled over next week cannot hope to bring lasting relief to a community choking on traffic.