A PUBLIC inquiry is to be held into an improvement scheme on one of the North-East's most dangerous roads.

The Secretary of State for Transport has ordered the inquiry into proposals for the improvements to the A66 at Long Newton, between Stockton and Darlington.

The proposals include constructing a grade separated, motorway style, junction to stop right hand turns across the A66.

The scheme, if successful, will result in the closure of a number of central reserve gaps and the provision of a local link road between the villages of Elton and Long Newton.

The proposed scheme forms part of The Secretary of State for Transport's plans to improve road safety on the A66 by the closure of the two junctions at Long Newton West and Elton West. Both junctions have poor accident records.

The inquiry will open at The Swallow Hotel, John Walker Square, Stockton on Tuesday July 1 at 10am.

Any correspondence should be addressed to Jayne Preston, programming officer, Room 208, 27 Park Place, Jefferson House, Leeds LS1 2SZ.