A MASSIVE FBI hunt for the mother and son of a Teesside man has been called off after they were found safe and well.

Amanda Jones, 29, and 18-month-old Justice Gallon sparked a nationwide search in the US after they went missing from their home in the town of Rainier, Oregan.

Police say the family hadn't been seen since Mrs Jones' husband, Andrew Jones, 30, from Thornaby, Teesside, returned to America almost a week ago.

Officers said he had left their home seven months ago to avoid criminal charges relating to domestic abuse.

Mrs Jones called relatives on Wednesday to say she was safe and well and FBI agents traced the call to a motel south of Seattle, in Washington State.

Officers said mother and son were both unharmed and neither were held at the hotel against her will.

The manhunt was sparked when police believed their disappearance coincided with Mr Jones' arrival in America last week.

Mr Jones was arrested on Wednesday on two outstanding warrants from Columbia County police and is being held on $40,000 bail in the county sheriff's office.

He was working part-time as a landscaper for a business owner in Rainier.