FREAK weather conditions on the River Tyne spelled the end for the Northumbrian Water University Boat Race yesterday.

Thousands of people turned out to watch Durham University take on Newcastle University.

But umpires called off the race at the last minute, after a combination of a rising tide and strong winds created 4ft waves on the river, making it unsafe for the rowing to take place.

The chairman of the Boat Race executive committee, Graham Rayner, said: "What we saw today was the unique combination of the rising tide and a blustery south-westerly wind in direct conflict with one another.

"This created a significant amount of turbulence, which made the conditions unsafe for competitive racing.

"In these circumstances, the safety of the crews is the primary concern and so, regrettably, the decision was taken to cancel the race."

Gareth Hicks, the president of Newcastle University Boat Club, said: "The cancellation of the event is a real shame after all the hard work and dedication the crews have done in preparation for the race, which we really hoped would pay off.

"On the day, it was not to be, but watch this space for 2004."

It is the second time in its history that the boat race has been called off. It was cancelled in June 2000 when extreme weather conditions and flooding swept the North-East.

Although spectators did not get to see the rowing contest, they were treated to a sail-past by the North-East Boating Federation and a jet-ski display.