POLICE are urging villagers to step up vigilance and stop vandals who have destroyed floral tributes in a churchyard from striking again.

Wreaths and vases of flowers were strewn across the country graveyard at St Andrew's Church, in Aycliffe Village, on Wednesday or Thursday night.

The attack has been condemned by local police and the church's vicar, Reverend Mark Allsopp, as a cold and mindless act.

PC Steve Wild, of Newton Aycliffe police, said: "There were lots of flowers thrown about the graveyard and urns were moved around and left all over the place.

"It is very distressing for the people who have friends and family there and we'd ask people to be aware this is occurring and inform us if they see anything suspicious."

The vandalism took part in the newest part of the churchyard, which is next to an ancient graveyard.

As the churchyard is small it is occupied mostly by the remains of people whose families have been part of the community for many years and to whom the church means a great deal.

Mr Allsopp said: "I am outraged and disgusted by this act of vandalism, how can these people live with themselves?

"There is absolutely no gain for them, but in a couple of minutes they can shatter a person's feelings.

"The graves and tributes left by them mean a great deal to people whose loved ones are buried at St Andrew's.

"Being able to visit a well cared for churchyard offers a lot of comfort to people who have lost someone, that should be respected. Vandalism and destruction of the graves is like attacking the person themselves, when people are confronted by the mess that was left at the church it hurts their feelings."

Mr Allsopp hopes that when the culprits see the pain their rampage has caused they will not strike again.

He said: "I would appeal to the better nature of these people and ask them to think about how they would feel if it was done to the memory of their loved ones."

Anyone with information is asked to call Newton Aycliffe police on (01325) 314401.