AN investigation was under way last night after a soldier was crushed by an armoured personnel carrier.

The accident happened as Corporal Thomas "Taff" Rees prepared for deployment to the Gulf.

The 1st Battalion of the King's Regiment is among units taking over peace-keeping duties from the 7th Armoured Brigade around Basra later this summer.

Soldiers from the armoured infantry regiment were loading equipment on to transporters at their barracks at Catterick Garrison on Thursday.

More were helping to prepare the equipment for shipping to the Middle East on the quayside at Teesport.

Cpl Rees,who was in charge at the docks, became trapped between two armoured personnel carriers while they were being taken off a trailer.

Both the police and the Health and Safety Executive are investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident, while the Ministry of Defence has confirmed it will carry out its own inquiry.

Cpl Rees, 32, was an experienced and decorated soldier who joined The Kings in 1986 after training at York's Strensall Barracks.

He served in Berlin, Northern Ireland, Canada, the Falklands, the US, Belize, Cyprus and Kenya.

He was awarded the General Service Medal in 1990 for duties in Northern Ireland, the Accumulated Service Medal in 1999, and the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal last year.

Born in Cardiff, he was unusual in the regiment, which usually recruits on Merseyside.

Second in command, Major Gordon Letin, said he was a valued and popular member of the team.

"Throughout his service in the Army, Cpl Rees carried out his duties in an exemplary manner," he said.

"He enjoyed Army life to the full and was held in the highest regard by non-commissioned officers and soldiers who worked alongside him.

"He always took great pride in his work and strove to ensure those working for him did the same.

"The whole regiment would like to pass on its deepest sympathy and condolences to his family and friends and to express our shock at what is a tragic peacetime accident.''

Cpl Rees leaves a widow, Andrea, and children Luke, seven, and Jessica, four. The family were too distraught to talk about their loss yesterday.