THREE schools have won their fight to prevent an 85ft mobile phone mast being erected in their area.

The headteacher of one, which has 1,300 pupils, has welcomed the decision by planners to refuse permission.

Jonathan Edwards, head of Granby High School, Harrogate, was joined in the opposition by neighbouring primary schools, St Robert's and Woodfield.

Three companies had wanted to erect the mast at a Harrogate Borough Council depot, in Claro Road.

Mr Edwards said he was very pleased about the decision while evidence was so uncertain about long term effects masts could have.

Erecting the mast next door to a thriving primary school and close to a large secondary community school "seemed to me to be flying in the face of all the evidence that exists".

"I know about the argument that mobile phones might be more dangerous, but we are trying to control them in schools. So why open up more people to more risk?" he said.

A spokesman for Harrogate council's planning department said the mast had been refused permission because of its bulk.