MORE than 300 children will be "carpeted" in a County Durham library next week, but not because they have been naughty.

The youngsters will be testing a new story mat at Trimdon Library.

The colourful mat features children's characters Postman Pat, Cinderella and the Yellow Brick Road.

It has been made for the library by members of Trimdon's Craft and Chat group.

The mat will be presented to the library on Friday.

Storyteller Chris Bostock will spend a day relating tales to most of the pupils from Trimdon's infant and junior schools.

Judith Machin, library group manager, said: "I asked the Craft and Chat group if they would like to take on the story mat project and they were very enthusiastic.

"I described the concept and left it to the ladies to design and make it.

"Now, whenever we have story sessions in the library, the story-teller will be able to sit on this wonderful mat.

"When it is not in use we are going to hang it up in the library for everyone to see."