A TOWN centre street is to get another takeaway outlet, despite strong protests from residents.

One in seven shops in Church Street, Shildon, is a takeaway food outlet.

So when nearby residents heard of plans to convert a florist into a Chinese takeaway, they raised a petition and gathered 46 signatures.

The objectors said another trade should be encouraged and complained that their would be an increase in traffic and litter.

The application was heard by Sedgefield Borough Council's development control committee last week.

Planning officer Charlie Walton said that while he sympathised with the views of residents, there were no grounds on which to refuse the application.

He said: "What we are looking at here is a bone fide town centre in a main shopping street in a prominent location.

"We are trying to promote a town centre in terms of its vitality and viability, and without these uses coming in we would have dead and vacant frontages. There is nothing worse in a town centre than that."

Mr Walton pointed out that 14 per cent of shops in Shildon had become food takeaways.

He said: "If this trend continues it may be an issue for us to address in the forthcoming review of the local plan."

The application was approved.