Darlington'S anti-litter squad is increasing undercover patrols at a beauty spot which people say is being spoiled by rubbish dumping.

The area near the River Tees at Blackwell, which is a popular picnic site, has become a target for vandals and rubbish is being dumped in the picnic and play area.

Keen angler Michael Sanderson said he had tried to highlight the problem with Darlington Borough Council but his pleas had been ignored.

But a spokesman for the council last night pledged to use its anti-litter squad to patrol the site and hand out £50 on-the-spot fines to anyone found leaving rubbish on the ground.

Mr Sanderson, who regularly fishes at the beauty spot near Broken Scar dam, said: "Apart from the dumping of litter, and setting fire to trees and logs, the Broken Scar play area is slowly becoming run down with broken play items and the lack of extra rubbish bins.

"There is rubbish ending up on the car park floor and in the river itself.

"I have fished this stretch of river for the past 40 years and I have been in touch with all the environmental departments and still nothing is getting done. During the school summer holidays the litter in question will double - something needs to be done now.

"It is a shame that people abuse and misuse this beautiful stretch of the River Tees."

He said the area was a popular spot for wildlife, including Roe deer and Kingfishers, and he was worried the litter problem would drive them away.

A spokesman for Darlington council said: "We will step up litter patrols in the area and issue fines if needed.

"The problem is it is a popular picnic spot and people leave their litter around. We are asking people to take their litter home or use the bins provided.

"We are also increasing our bin emptying routines in that area.

"Some plain-clothed wardens will also be patrolling the area and issuing on-the-spot fines.

"We ask people if there is a problem with litter, or they spot someone dropping it, to let us know."