A DRUGS company wants to build two wind turbines to generate power for its factories.

GlaxoSmithKline is applying for planning consent to erect the turbines next to its factory in Barnard Castle.

The company has submitted the detailed proposals to Teesdale District Council, which is now in the process of gathering opinions from neighbouring residents and organisations before making a decision on the application.

If the scheme is approved, each turbine will consist of a tower 31.5 metres high and three 27-metre blades.

David Hand, the council's principal planning policy officer, said: "The turbines seen on wind farms are often about 107 metres high, so these two will be less than half their size.

"The output of each machine has been put at 225 kilowatt hours. This would not be enough to run the whole factory, but would cut down on the use of electricity made with fossil fuels, and would therefore be seen as environmentally friendly.

"It is too early to say what the decision will be, but at this stage my own opinion would be in favour as long as serious objections don't come from elsewhere."

The company wants to install the wind turbines at Manor Farm, its training centre just outside the factory in Harmire Road.

A proposal for a wind farm at Langdon Beck in Teesdale was withdrawn some years ago after opposition from local people.

Later, a plan for a wind farm near Barningham was rejected. In both cases the turbines suggested were bigger than the two being proposed.