EXPERTISE from the North-East is contributing to a major feature at a landmark building in London.

Construction is well under way for the headquarters building for Swiss Re at 30 St Mary Axe - popularly referred to as the Gherkin.

In keeping with the tower's credentials, Swiss Re has appointed Newcastle software development company Ridge Media to develop and install an Intranet.

This will allow Swiss Re and other tenants in its office building to access internal information at the click of a mouse.

Using secure lines, workers will be able to view and order services on a PC - from real-time local travel information to seeing what is on that day's restaurant menu.

The system will also be capable of generating security passes, as well as text messages direct from the site.

Peter Kerr, director at Ridge Media, said: "This is a prestigious site and Swiss Re wanted to incorporate some of the latest features within the building.

"The Intranet we are installing provides an excellent tool for facilities management, and also potentially offers some added value to clients."

Ridge Media employs a team of eight designers, programmers and multi-media developers, and typically develops database-driven websites, Intranets and bespoke software projects for a range of businesses - including GlaxoSmithKline, BP, Barclays Bank and Watson Burton Solicitors.

Due for completion and ready for occupation at the end of this year, the 180-metre tower is London's first environmentally tall building.

Using its distinctive, aerodynamic form to help natural ventilation, the mechanical cooling and ventilation supply systems can be supplemented by fresh air for up to 40 per cent of the year, reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.