A DURHAM charity shop hopes to forge a new retailing chapter with the expansion of its book department.

The Cancer Research outlet in Durham's Silver Street has launched an improved book section, which organisers believe will attract brisk business.

The shop has always been a treasure trove of good quality reading, particularly for paperback fiction.

But staff hope to attract more people into the store as well as encouraging more residents to donate unwanted books.

Shop manager, Colette McCormick, said: "This is a very exciting time for us at the Durham shop, we have always had such fantastic literary delights brought into us by the local community.''

"We are hoping that local residents will think of us when they are clearing their bookshelves ready to make room for more great reads.''

The revamped department has about 300 books.

Ms McCormick said: "We never know what great finds we are going to have when we receive our generous donations, but we can guarantee we will always have something for everyone on our shelves, from popular fiction to hardback coffee table books, all kinds of history and travel reference books and popular biographies.''

The store is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and car parking is available for deliveries.

Anyone wanting any further information can call Ms McCormick on 0191 384 8260.